Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Got yarn?

Oh, yes. I got yarn. All the knitters got yarn.

An accumulation of yarn is generally referred to as the "stash" and can range from a few balls of sock yarn to skeins in numbers so vast they require extensive, scalable storage facilities and creative concealment tactics to protect them from significant others, family members and friends who may disapprove, gawp in disbelief or covet.

Actually, I rather object to the term "stash." Sounds sort of like an ounce or two of weed and a couple of joints sealed in a Baggie and stashed (see what I mean) under the mattress.

I prefer to think of my yarn as a collection. Each acquisition was selected from a fine knitting shop, all are beautiful fibers and colors that give me great joy, and some will even get knitted into something. Eventually.

Some people go on yarn diets, knitting only from the stash. Some people abstain from buying more yarn because they think they have too much in the stash already. I smile and say nothing. Because I do not stash. I collect.

Too much yarn? That's just crazy talk.


  1. I keep trying the yarn diet, but I fall off the wagon so easily.

  2. I like the term collection vs stash!!! Nice blog Debbye.
